Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Canada Geese in Fights (not flight)

Today we had a bit of a "rain break" early on, so I grabbed the camera and headed to a lake that is close by the house, but has a bit more variety of waterfowl. It seemed to be fairly quiet....the usual ducks see you---and think you are bringing them food, but soon realize that it isn't to be! They get bored and head back to the water!

Then in from the west comes a small group of Canada Geese, honking and carrying on. They land with a bang, and then proceed to create havoc with everyother duck in the pond, including themselves. They chased each other, making a terrible racked....I was having such fun taking photos, and most of them turned out to be clear and amazing. It is really funny the way they chase, and stick out their tongues....I'm sure it all means something, but for me it seems like they are fighting. (thus the title of today's blip)

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