
By astudyinscarlet

saltire, sir

the people of glasgow east have spoken! scotland is throwing off the shackles of the past and moving towards independence! well, not quite. 42.25% of the people of glasgow east have spoken, and tho the swing from labour to the snp was a massive 22.54%, that's still only 11,277 people of glasgow east who wanted an snp representative against 14,897 who voted for someone else - and don't forget the 57.75% who couldn't be bothered to come out and vote at all. (i really think voting should be mandatory, like australia.)

don't get me wrong, tho i'm english i think scotland will get independence eventually, and i have no problem with that (unless they make me show my passport every time i cross the border to visit my parents). i'm just not convinced it'll make things any better than they are now. still, let's have the referendum and get on with it - or get back to humdrum life if the vote is no.

this pic shows the flag above the scotsman hotel - the building used to be the offices of the scotsman newspaper, which despite its title doesn't seem that interested in supporting the idea of scotland being an independent country. oh well...

ps i'm over the 5000 views mark, hurrah! thanks y'all for looking - i hope you like what you see.

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