look into my eyes...

...said mr. squirrel - as he gazed intently into mine

then off he scampered - to be replaced by another squirrel... and then another... they were out and about again today - up and down the trees - vying for attention thinking i had food but not letting it get in the way when they realized i did not... any attention is good attention - and since i was chatting at them - they figured they'd hang with me for awhile... being brave little souls, coming close as could be but then flitting away fast so it's difficult to get a shot in focus. squirrels are such funny creatures... i find myself amused and laughing at them - caught up in the moment - enjoying their presence - forgeting to snap away at times.

but then today - towards the end of our little impromtu photo shoot... we heard a ruckus not far off on the path... a man was yelling - stomping his feet - swearing - and i couldn't quite figure out who he was talking to. the nearer he got, i realized he was yelling at the trees... running up to them - waving his arms wildly in agitation... i felt truly bad for him because i knew that he was not well. at the same time, i bid good-bye to my squirrel friends and got out of there not knowing if this individual was dangerous.

as i walked away... continuing to hear him it made me wonder what it must be like - the mental illness that he copes with - if he's hearing voices in his head - or thinking the trees are yelling at him and that's why he's yelling at them... the difficulty he faces each day with that raging in his head and mind. it gave me pause - i have worked with people with mental illness in the past - they are exactly like you and me - no different - but deal with a stigma that is unfair at best... some are able to function day-to-day... others are not so fortunate. i fear this man is one of the unfortunate ones and i sent up a prayer he'd find some peace - it's not mine to give to him but i found my soul aching for his... and during my pause - i gave thanks that in spite of all my struggles, i have my own mental health... i may not have the greatest physical health anymore but i do not have to deal with the demons that are plaguing him. i can think rationally and be myself... and that, my friends, makes for...


happy day.....

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