looking for Mr. Snake

We are definitely back home.
We unpacked this morning.

As part of the search for Mr. Snake who escaped his enclosure during our absence, I was delegated to check behind the washer/dryer. This is a reasonable assignment as I am 6'4". Unfortunately no Mr Snake but definitely a long lost supply of singleton socks and jockey shorts. Any excuse to clean the dryer vent is what I say.

And no Mrs. Laughing, we do not blame the most kind and gracious and wonderful house sitter. We blame the irresponsible teenage son who seems incapable of flushing the john after urinating on the seat, much less properly clamping the lid to his snake enclosure.

(note to self: next house, build bigger washer dryer surround so you don't have to remove folding door from it's track in order to search for lost snake.)

So I'm jet lagged and it's time for bed.

(I'm looking forward to the disgruntled divorcee blippers who are going to tell me that if I find Mr Snake, he still owes child support)



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