fovea centralis

By fovea

watch out

this is a perfect fit for today.

this afternoon in the anatomy lab, we were tasked with removing most of the GI tract from the abdomen. However, since we weren't cutting into the pelvis just yet we stopped after the sigmoid colon. I was the lucky one in my group who got to "milk" any fecal matter up from the rectum into the sigmoid colon; so that when i tied it off and cut into the rectum it would be mostly clear of fecal debris.... watch out indeed.

I held my first large group tutoring (LGT) session tonight. I reviewed the major concepts for the first masters' program physiology exam of the course. I was nervous, but i don't think it showed. And I was surprised at how easy it was to talk for 2 hours. I made it gracefully through the 217 slide power point presentation; i say gracefully, because I am known to mispronounce words and trip over my tongue sometimes, but tonight went well. It really gave me a greater appreciation for my professors who lecture everyday.

To all teachers out there: thank you so much for what you do, for being passionate about doing it and doing it well. Education is such a critical stone in someone's foundation and having a great teacher makes a world of difference.


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