Davince net

By Davince

Day 26: Up Close and Personal

Close up is one of those themes that is a bit of a tricky one - 'proper' macro lenses are a bit cost prohibitive for the average Jo!

So here is 'one I made earlier' Cardboard tube and some broken adapters extends an old 50mm non-macro lens into something vaguely useable as a macro lens. Ideal? No. Pin sharp? No. Good fun for a few minutes? Yep :D Well yep until you forget the lens isn't held on and drop it out the end of your cardboard tube... :p

As to subject matter - personally I think the compound eye is just one of natures creations you have to just look at and think... cooool. If only my macro setup was more adjustable so I could get JUST the eye, and actually have it pin sharp front to back!

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