Growing old disgracefully



I'm ambivalent about snow. Part of me loves it - how it falls gently, beautifying even the ugliest landscape; how it muffles sound and gives unfamiliar perspective to the everyday; how it surprises, seeming to say, 'Aha! Thought you were in charge, eh? Look at how I can change your plans and provide and give you unexpected opportunity for play!'

However, on days like these, when I need to drive into the city for the second class of the day, with a car loaded with yoga mats, blankets and cushions - I struggle to appreciate it. On the plus side, if I get stranded in a blizzard, not only will I have enough blankets to keep me warm, I will be able to share them around my fellow travellers. Right now, however, I am keeping everything crossed and hoping this is a small, temporary and purely local phenomenon.

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