Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


There were many ways I could have approached today's challenge. It would definitely have been a great excuse to recreate yesterday's tea of pancakes with fresh fruit salad and maple syrup. I could have gone for the spotty bananas or the prickly details of a pineapple skin. Instead I decided to really challenge myself and try something I'd never done before... bubbles on fruit. Unfortunately I had nothing in between the sizes of a blueberry and a pear so I had to go with the blueberry which was a little small and rather tricky.

Things I learnt from this:
- it's a lot harder than it looks
- no matter where the light is, it will leave annoying reflections and glare in the most inconvenient place
- no matter how much you rotate the glass, the fruit will stay where it is.
- blueberries always float "petals" up.
- finger prints on the glass make it very difficult to focus through
- I don't know where my infinity board has gone
- did I mention it's harder than it looks?

Not the best of shots but it will do for a first try.

Challenge #8

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