
By patrona

The bird had a headache, I'll bet!

Confined to the house today tending to a poorly child, I was sitting in my study about 11.30 when there was a tremendous bang on the glass of the window. On investigation it became obvious that a fairly large bird, I surmise a pigeon had flown into the glass and left its mark.

If you look carefully you can clearly see one wing and the outline of the body, the other wing is fainter and the features of the head are blurred. I checked outside for any sign of an injured bird but she must have been a wee toughie, just shook her head and flew off out.

The glass often attracts hoopoes who come and preen at their reflections, but they are very skittish and as soon as I try to take a picture the slightest movement sends them clattering away to the woods.

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