It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

I'm a lovely girl :-)

Wow wow wow woooooooowwwww! Thank you soooooooooo much for all the amazing comments and love I got yesterday for my 300th blip! We are overwhelmed! We have had a really busy day today so haven't had time to reply to everyone but we will......I promise. In the meantime I send you all the BIGGEST lick to thank you xxxxxx

So I will now tell you about my day. It has been VERY eventful. It started quite boringly I thought. Just a lead walk......into town.......then I realise......we are headed for the VET! Oh my, now, I LOVE the vet....mmmm well I LOVE Jo my lovely nurse at the vet. She came out to see me in the waiting room and I had a good old tummy tickle. THEN.....the door opened to the vetman's room. OH NO......I WAS NOT going in there. I can just sense that all kinds of things go on in that room. I REFUSED point blank to move. So Jo and mum virtually dragged me in. I wouldn't even go in for a treat!

I was there for my check up and yearly booster. I quivered away on the scales and then made myself as flat to the floor as I could when the vetman came towards me. Mum fed me treats as he gave me my injection, I didn't feel anything but I still didn't like it. Then whilst mum had a quick chat to him about my "op" I made myself as small as possible in the far corner of the room and just quivered until mum finally got me the hell out of there!

Then we jumped in the car and drove all the way to marma and grandads house! I was soooo excited. We were taking down their birthday presents. Their birthdays were 2 weeks ago but that was when mum was too poorly so went down today to see them especially :-)

I SHOT into their house and grabbed everything I could find in my mouth. I kept escaping up stairs (they don't have a stairgate like we do!) I found grandad's slipper......that was GREAT! I ripped up all the wrapping paper from the presents into little pieces. Oh BOY I had the best time.

Then we went to great nanna's house. Great nanna wasn't there as she is now living in a lovely home where she is being looked after, but we went there as there was some sewing stuff for mum to have.

Oh BOY, oh BOY great nanna's house was FANTASTIC. There were so many things to get into trouble with. I ran off with a teddy bear, a piece of paper, nanna's shoe and then I escaped upstairs and ran off with a sponge from the bathroom *giggle* I ripped it up into little tiny bits everywhere.

Then we went to visit great nanna at her new home, I wasn't allowed in her new home as mum said I would cause chaos with all the people that live there ???so I waited patiently in the car whilst they visited.

THEN........I got to go for a run in the field with my ball and show off my running and jumping skills to marma! This was the BEST part of my day! Whilst we were there I met these doggies in the photo who were lovely! I always throw myself on my back for other doggies. I am a submissive girl you know. You can see one has a muzzle on but he wasn't vicious, he was wearing it because he eats too many bad things....hee hee......mum said she knows someone else like that????!

We were just about to leave the field....mum had her back to whilst she wasn't looking I executed the PERFECT shoulder roll and chin slide into a lovely big bit of fox poo! It was FANTASTIC. I wanted to show Marma how good I was at doing it and thought maybe she would like to do it too???

So......when we finally got home (after a long drive in a stinky car mum said?!) I was thrown straight in the bath. I WAS NOT amused..... I was very tired, very hungry and VERY grumpy. In fact mum has come to move me off the sofa and I told her off....the first time I have ever told her off. She wasn't amused at all and I think I am in trouble............. I will make it up to her, I just need to sleep first........

Phew......that was a long ramble wasn't it?? Are you still reading???!

Thank you again for all your blip love :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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