Gail's Daily Tales

By gailsdailytales


Ask any parent to describe their child in one word and you'll drown in a wash of 'brilliant', 'amazing', incredible' etc...

All true of course, and I'd use all of these words to describe my boy. Even when H is a stroppy teenager with a face full of anguish and a FAB* smelling bedroom, I'll still describe him with countless positive adjectives and a beaming smile.

Today Hunter was, erm, spirited shall we say? Adventurous? Disobedient? NAUGHTY even? His sprint towards what some mums call the 'terrible two's' is well underway and I must say, I LOVE it! This new 'I'll do it my way' attitude has been welcomed with open arms and I'll admit that both Paul and I encourage it.

Bad parenting? Surely not. If a child can't be free to explore the world and question and test every single aspect of it, there is something badly wrong.

I don't want to get into a rant about good and bad parenting on my second blip back, and maybe the lager is doing the talking, but come on lady in Ikea who tried to tell me that my son was too close to the no entry gates. Yes, they are alarmed. Yes, he is trying to prise them open. No, I'm not going to stop him. Yes, he is attempting to crawl under. No, I'm still not stopping him.

Naughty? I'd say normal. Just a regular 16 month old boy who wants to escape the monotony of Ikea and storm the hot-dog counter. Come on, it's the only reason anybody goes to the dreadful place!

Well, that and cut-price Swedish merchandise.

*Feet, Arse, Balls.

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