This is Kristina's Life

By kristinaj

The Fish That Refuses To Give Up

This little guy has been living in my living room fish tank with his two other goldfish friends for the past 9+ months. He and his "roommates" were all originally white and gold, but about 2-3 months ago, this guy lost his gold spots (very strange). And 6 days ago, I noticed this fish was lying on his side at the bottom of the tank. Uh oh. Whenever this happens, the fish is usually dead within the next 36 hours.

Three days went by and this fish was still hanging in there, despite his roommates seemingly attacking him (well who knows, maybe they were just trying to revive him). I felt terrible watching him get picked on so I "borrowed" one of my mother's $60 display cases and turned it into a temporary fish tank. If he was going to die, I wasn't about to let him suffer by being eaten alive. Shockingly, he is STILL alive today! It's now day three of him being in his temporary fish tank and day SIX of him lying on his side for most of the day. He clearly doesn't want to die so I'm helping him as best as I can!

He's got quite the set up in his new tank too: gravel, a fake plant, an air pump, fresh filtered water, and top of the line vitamins and nutrients circulating throughout the water. I've given him all I can. Here's hoping he pulls through!

(Will back-blip pictures from the past 2 days of him being in his new tank--I didn't take any pictures of him while he was still in his old tank).

Day 1 (in new tank): January 24th
Day 2 (in new tank): January 25th

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