Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok

Ice, ice baby

Remember that hit song by Vanilla Ice? I do even wish that wouldn't ;)

Anyway this morning took our son U to the daycare as usual while Mrs.Mrok and our youngest S left to bed. The weather was nice and cold approx -23C degree and my bike felt like it would have been moving in a slow motion. Luckily U was really happy riding his sled the 1,5km trip. The kids had the outing session first thing in the morning as usual and same continued, many smiling faces despite of the chilly weather.

The ice rink and the skating area nearby was totally empty eventhou usually this time of the morning some children from the schools next to it are already playing hockey etc. Perhaps too cold for them. Decided to blip the court anyway. And then continued my daily commute to the office, still 4,5kms to go..

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