Red Flash

By RedFlash

Space for Peace

The blip today just had to be this as I have been singing in Winchester Cathedral. The lighting is low and I only had the small camera. Apologies for the quality

As a member of a Winchester Choir we take part each year in a service to mark the Jewish Holocaust Memorial Day - Space for Peace

It is a special event for many reasons:

1. It starts with 14 choirs singing various chants that merge together into an amazing sound
2. The choirs then process (singing) to different places around the cathedral
3. Each choir sings their material when it seems right to do so
4. The chairs have been removed so that the audience can wander around listening to the choirs and of course the many different sounds inter mix
5. We then process back and sing en mass again

I've even conducted the choir.

When I was out blipping at lunch time, two gentlemen posed for me. Sorry guys - I had to use this photo today to mark such a special event.

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