Garibaldi McFlurry

By GaribaldiMcFlurry

Blog Images

A lot of converging threads for today's photo.

My blog, the Reverend Garibaldi McFlurry, has been on the go for seven years now, and one of the regular features (and frankly, the most visited pages) are the sermons that I've preached. For too long, most blog posts have been going up without any accompanying image.

My blog also appears on both Twitter and Facebook, courtesy of Twitterfeed. Previously, it featured as 'notes' on Facebook, but they've done away with that method of blog publishing, so now it just appears on my profile.

If there is no image embedded in the post (or, frustratingly, if the image is an html link to another site), then somewhere in the ether on the journey from Blogger (owned by Google) through Twitterfeed to Facebook, the default image is a huge, unsightly 'Add to my Yahoo' - wherever that is coming from...

For years, I've been using Flickr as my main photo sharing site, with just under 8000 images of all sorts of things - churches, holidays, castles, history, and much much more. Flickr offers some photo editing software built into the package, called Picnik, and occasionally I would have dabbled. All that is coming to an end in April 2012, so I decided I would finally make some decent blog images for sermons, children's talks and book reviews.

This is my sermons blog image, which will hopefully appear every time I publish a sermon on the blog, and thus removing the frustration of the Yahoo button!

Now, wasn't that a long and complicated explanation for something very simple?

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