The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG

Cat !!

Afternoon all

Meet Arthur.....last of our three rescue cats......not to be trusted by the me lol ;0)

We had two cats for a while and then we heard if no-one took Arthur she was getting put down......yes you heard right ......."she".......oh yeah ...and put down! Frantic phone call from Mamma G and my Sis..."oh please...we just have to....can't let.....oh but its a boy"......!! This was prior to Handsome boy's arrival on our scene and the house was predominantly female.......this was supposed to 'swing' it, allowing a more balanced household !! I fell for it, hook, line and sinker.......this wee cute bundle arrives, (pisses the other cats off (excuse the french!!).....until one day we think...."wait a minute, there's a problem with this bundle of fur....nothing dropped !!"

Off to the vets for a little check....." and what have you called the bundle of fur?"
"Change it to Martha!!"
Dirty lil minx..........

But we kept Arthur, she answered to her name by then !! ;0)

Watched the Tennis....what a game !!! swimming later, Handsome Boy going to pool disco....I'll go swim 50 lengths at the end and home we come to stuff our faces......swimming does that too you....cant beat a bag of chips in brown sauce afterwards lol ;0)

Have a great evening !! ;0)

TTFN ;0)

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