
By CarolineJay


... or Helleborus Niger (different from the Hellebore I blipped a few days ago).

This is the last of my White Flower Challenge blips, and it has been really enjoyable. Thanks to everyone who visited, commented, gave me stars and hearts and encouraged me along the way. You're all stars!

I discovered that once I'd got my eye in I was seeing white flowers all over the place, and to prove it I've made a gallery of flowers that didn't make it onto Blip (so many that I had to put them into two categories on Blipfolio). Some are pretty poor quality because I had to use the zoom over a garden hedge or wall, but I've included them for completeness. Have a look if you're interested. Most of the photos were taken today (I had a lovely long walk around the 'hood this morning), and all were within 15 minutes walk from home, in fact most were within 5 minutes walk. I don't think Hartlepool has a particularly temperate climate (although the parakeets were in the Park again this morning) it's just a case of having blip-eyes open.

And something completely different tomorrow - possibly!

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