This is my Blip Life

By Kathy


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Having survived a VAT audit and a trip to the dentist this week, painting the living room should be a doddle . My husband is out at work in the morning, and thought I could (should) wait until he got home ........ oh no, I am raring to go. You should have seen his face when I said it would be done by the time he got home. He makes it sound like it's complicated , a bit of a science , a mystery , ........ I'm an accountant for goodness sake ...... I'm in charge of millions of pounds Monday to Friday , what can go wrong with a tin of paint ?
I have been given strict instructions on how to proceed , use the dust sheets, make sure you start in one spot and work up , or was it down . Don't put too much paint on the brush,..... but what if i'm planning on using the roller. Take the curtains down ......... way tooo much hassle ...... mind the light ............ give me some credit , I'm painting walls , not a ceiling .......
It's going to be so much fun, I don't think I will sleep tonight . :-))))))

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