shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Welcome to Scotland

These are the three lovely guests that we have been taking round Scotland to share about the work of The Leprosy Mission. Rajeev Pallakke is TLM India's former Senior Finance Manager, and now seconded to TLM International's Finance team, Terver (Tevy) Anyor is Projects Development Officer with TLM Nigeria and Talen (Len Len) Nawnkhar is Operations Manager with TLM Myanmar. Today Len Len was in Selkirk meeting with church leaders there who are particularly interested in Myanmar, and Rajeev and Tevy were in Dundee speaking to a group of TLM Scotland supporters. We then, for a complete change, took them to a kids club in Sauchie, by Alloa, one of the helpers at which is one of our regular volunteers. According to their schedule, the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy was planned, so Christine asked if we might be able to come along, and as it worked in well with other plans, we descended en masse! We played Leprosy Snakes and Ladders, a giant stand on game we developed, and then Tevy told the kids the Bible story. Their privilege was to help the kids with their memory verse, hence this shot. We then had a lovely fish and chip dinner with the leaders and a few local supporters. It was Len Len's first taste of fish and chips and Irn Bru - we're covering all the cultural highlights!

Tomorrow I am having a lie in, then meeting a friend for coffee, after that doing as little as possible, but floating around Blip to see what you've all been up to! Have a lovely weekend everyone.

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