Do I Count?

Counting birds, today, you say?
Well, don't let me get in your way.
I'm only here to strut my stuff
and scoff some seeds, if there's enough,
and then I'll leave you to your count.
These chaffinches - they must amount,
for starters, to the biggest crowd.
(And then there's me - am I allowed?)
Don't forget young robin there;
the dunnocks, sparrows, and ... but where
have all those daily starlings gone?
A census and that gang not on?
(These seeds are tasty by the way.
I might return another day.)

poem © Celia Warren 2012

If you have an hour to spare this weekend, and like watching the birds (it's very relaxing), do take part in the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch.

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