horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Spent much of the day trying to sort out the form I have to complete for work to try and win a job at the end of the restructuring process. Doing that in amongst work, and really not shaking too much of the 'fed-up' feeling of the previous day. I think this is all just a bit too soon after going through the fun of redundancy last year - I'd quite like something settled and permanent thank you very much.

I can feel myself fighting against the utterly debilitating sense of 'can't be bothered' when I'm away from work - but I know my website and writing is suffering because of it.

Anyway, Mel's dad came round for a delayed Burns supper consisting of cock-a-leekie; salmon tartare; the required haggis, neeps and tatties; and honey & pine nut tart with bitter orange ice cream. Washed down with no small amount of wine, and the occasional nip of whisky.

The whisky in particular seemed to go to George's head (he doesn't normally drink it) as we sat playing cards till almost 1. But. We both got sharked by Mel.

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