Not every day

By ppatrick

Sliced thick, sliced thin

Chided by ceridwen for my absence of blips, I went back and reviewed the few pictures I took last weekend. This was an £8 pub sandwich, a rare thing in the North of England. But this is Knutsford, in the heart of the Parliamentary constituency of Tatton. Ring a bell? It was held for years by the egregious Neil Hamilton, until he was finally disgraced and the seat won by Martin Bell in a white suit, with Labour and the Liberals standing aside to give him a large majority. However, Bell had vowed to stand down after one term, and the seat reverted to Tory type. In fact it now sends to Westminster none other than oleaginous 1930s throwback Gideon Osborne, butcher of the public services. Tatton is, according to Wikipedia, the third most affluent constituency in the UK, topped only by (1) Kensington and Chelsea and (2) City and Westminster - except that the former seat was abolished at the last election, so presumably Tatton is now the second most affluent. The clientele of The Dun Cow are as you would expect, given the above. However, the youthful staff are pleasant, and it offers the weary traveller a glowing welcome and a very tasty sandwich, stylishly presented - so long as the weary traveller has eight quid to spare.

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