Images from flowerspasms

By flowerspasms

anti-WEF demo

The manifesto handed out by the group said: WEF stamps on human rights.

Nestlé Waters is the biggest global producer of bottled water & a member of the World Evonomic Forum, who without scruple, privatises water resources of local populations.

The president of Nestlé, Peter Brambeck, affirms that water is like any other food product with monetary value and therefore open for privatisation. he deems the idea that all humans have the right to water as "extreme". Access to drinking water is a fundamental human right and should never be privatised!

The WEF supports companies thirsty for profit, prefering closing thier eyes to equitable and ecological values.

The WEF is against communal well being and protects the interests of global enterprises.

Coordinated by the anti-WEF Neuchatel

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