Don't Try

By Tecumseh


This little guy was just a small sprig taken from science class. He's been growing in a glass for about a year now, and wow has he sprouted! If you stretched the roots out, they would probably be about 50 cm. But that isn't the best part. The leaves, as you can see, are dark to light, from the center out. I think it was a strange coincidence that I happened to have been playing with concentric circles earlier today. (On break from math homework.) I love how nature finds little ways to surprise you every where you look.

Tidbit: Has anyone ever told you that there are no straight lines in nature? Well, I'm here to tell you there are. Snowflakes. Every one of them is a small, symmetrical design that is so microscopic, you must use a magnifying glass. And, each one is different from the other.

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