The long journey

By thelongjourney

Above the clouds...

Back from weekend in Bari...just what I needed to get away from the piles of work that I still have to do before my research internship finishes at the end of next month! I can't wait to move back to Leeds.

Bari was great: spent some quality time with family and friends and enjoyed the scorching heat and sunshine. It's nice to get away!

I've just realised that I have a HUGE backlog of blips to upload!!!! Did not have time and patience last week to bring it up to speed, hopefully this week will be better.

Hope everyone had a great weekend :)

"There's a place where the sun breaks through
And the wind bites cold and hard
Stings my ears and
Tears my eyes
When the day starts to shout out loud

Stand tall
And glide
When you're all alone in the crowd
Don't fall
Don't hide
When you walk above the clouds"

Above the clouds - Cindy Lauper

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