Horgio's story

By Horgio

Clacks Bridge

I was lucky enough to be invited to the grand opening of the Clackmannanshire bridge back in November 2008. The event was marked by letting pedestrians cross the bridge before it was officially open for vehicles. I took the camera along but anyone who has seen the bridge will confirm that the lack of features make for some very boring pictures. However the underside of the bridge is a different story and I took a few pictures of the curved, concrete sections on that day which can be viewed on my flickr account.

Onto the present...I had hoped to get a picture of the International Space Station this morning as it passed overhead at 7:20am this morning. I prepared my gear last night before going to bed but when I checked the visability at 7:15am my fears were confirmed, no ISS pictures today.

Trying to think of a plan B later today I descided to return to the Clacks Bridge with my ND110 filter and see what I get. Sky was pretty grey and generally murky but I got a couple of pics, of which this one was my favorite.

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