Peninsula Light

By PeninsulaLight

Fences and their posts seem to hold an attraction for the camera in this Blipper's hand, along with bridges, tunnels, underpasses, and...

Lovely light today. It felt warm in the sun, but most puddles retained an ice lid throughout the day. As the sun went down, the temperature followed - rapidly.

A few choices of what to use as the day's Blip. Good for making you look critically at the candidate shots. Whilst I do provide links to event, sequence, and various adventure shots, I don't tend to provide links to the runner-ups. Once I've decided, and uploaded the selected shot, I've always left it there. With the (hopeful) increase in film use, that could create a problem. I won't have any film shots available for however long it takes me to finish the film, and receive the results back from the processing lab (I've no darkroom experience, and think it's a bit late to start learning that art!). Initially, I think I'll just back-blip them whenever they arrive, or use a digital alternative shot, if (when) there are any "duds". Was considering using a temporary digital shot, but am not sure if this is permissible... also a bit unfair on any fellow Blippers' comments! Any scanned film shots will have to be checked by "customs" - Blip Central. Digital is somewhat easier!

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