Sami's Snaps

By SamiColenutt


I was so proud of my cooking this evening that I took a picture of it. Not all students eat like this but I'm glad I do. Pesto salmon, roasted new potatoes and spinach, mint and feta salad (first introduced to me at Jane's house) - yummo.

I had a nice Sunday today. Woke up and made everyone bacon sandwiches before getting showered to watch the ice skating. Well, I would've watched it if it hadn't have been bumped for the tennis. I get that tennis is a more popular sport and that it was an epic match, but this is very annoying when you've been waiting all week to watch this one slot for the ice skating - despite the Europeans being in Britain. Rant over. I watched it online - the quality was bad and it paused a lot but hey ho. Then I made this dinner AND rocky road and all was right with the world again.

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