One day at a time!

By smilesf0rdays


Millions of different paths in this life, so many different directions, plans, hopes, and dreams.

Some choose to walk their path alone, some are incapable of doing just that. Others walk their path with one they love, and coming from experience I can say that some walk their path holding the hand of someone they absolutely do not love.

I've been on many different paths in my short 19 years of life, and with each different path I walked I was holding a different hand.

I have learned from the way every hand fits mine in its own way, and I am a firm believer that the way two hands fits together signifies a lot more then some may think. Our bodies and our minds were made to fit together.

My best friend's hand fits tiny in mine, like a mother and daughter. The roles switch between us often, sometimes she plays mom and others I do. And although we are always walking our own individual paths, somehow we are always hand in hand, guiding each other with an indestructible link.

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