probably definately

By chole33


I can't quite describe the feeling of standing at the top of a pitch full of beautiful snow, staring down below, knowing that you are going to drop into some amazingly soft turns. It's like the world below your feet is there just for your own enjoyment. It's enough to make you 'whoop' like a little kid, and grin ear to ear all day long.

I'll admit, the snow this season had me wondering what the heck I was doing, skiing was stupid, why should I get up early to go do this. Today renewed my faith in skiing. 25" over the week, 9" the day before. I loved the snow on this pitch so much I separated from my group after lunch to ski it alone - and I generally hate skiing alone.

We skied hard today, and I was completely wiped when we called it a day. There was a Mammoth game tonight, so I needed to keep my energy up. I was able to grab a 20 minute nap in between - it was a phenomenal nap, although too short.

The Mammoth have been in existence for 10 years. To celebrate, at tonight's game, they announced the 'All Decade Team', the 10 best players to ever wear the Mammoth jersey. All 10 guys were out on the field at halftime. I've had the privilege of seeing all of them play, it was impressive to see them all out there.

To top it all off, we won. In the last two seasons we only won 3 games at home. It's awesome to be cheering for a winning team again!

Long day, but definitely worth it!

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