Playing with Light

By ChrisHilton


....let the rant begin....where is yesterdays photo?

Yesterday was a good day, there were lots of Blips to choose from. My wife and I had a magical time watching the murmurations of Starlings over the Somerset Levels, we picnicked in the park after photographing the squirrels but the winner was the photo of the four Scout Leaders, without kids, dressed in ponchos and sombreros, eating a Mexican picnic on the top of Glastonbury Tor!

Imagine my horror when, on returning home, my computer told me there were no photos on my CF card! I downloaded some recovery software and that did not work. I eventually found a lead that would go from my ancient camera to the computer and tried that. Again, to no avail, Lightroom would still not find any photos. So more out of desperation than anything, I tried Photoshop and something stared to happen. It looked like Photoshop was opening the files in a RAW converter, the problem, for me, was that the software, was, for some reason, in Spanish!!! Eventually I muddled through and recovered some images, including the one I wanted to Blip.

So imagine my dismay when Blipfoto decided not to publish my photo as there was no EXIF data on it. Maybe mysterious Spanish RAW converters do that to an image, maybe it was the corrupted CF card; who knows? I had a couple of attempts but with no luck. So my image is staring at me on the computer screen, so I took a photo of it. The quality suffered a little, but there it was, I had a re-formatted CF card with the days Blip on it with all the relevant EXIF data. Time to get the show on the road; at last! Wrong. That photo is still awaiting approval! No doubt it will never appear on Blipfoto. There is even the chance that the faceless machine will decide that I have cheated and suspend my account! Who knows? It wasn't a good end to what was a beautiful day.

As Blipfoto have blacked out yesterdays Blip; I have blacked out todays! I shall start again tomorrow but, in the meantime, if you would like to view yesterdays Blip, here is a link to my Flickr account, If any of you are on there then feel free to introduce yourselves. Have a good week all...

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