
By CarolineJay


Dad left hundreds of photos and transparencies when he died. I've got all the photos from his old computer, and I've scanned hundreds of his transparencies going back 50 years or more. There are hundreds more and dozens of albums, but I haven't been getting on with it lately. My sisters haven't chased me up about it yet, but today I'm putting everything I've done so far onto DVD and sending it to them. And having cleared the decks a bit, I hope I'll be able to get on with the next lot of scanning. All four of my sisters are having a far more stressful time than I am, and two of them will be having a horrible day today, so perhaps if they've got time later in the week they'll be cheered up a bit by happy family memories.

My coriander yesterday hit the Spotlight page for a while. I'm not sure how that happened, but thanks to everyone who commented and gave me stars.

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