Feckless Mother

That is what my Mum says about me. I am feckless which apparently means feeble, incompetent and irresponsible. Today has been one of those days where I have proved her right.

Red screamed his way around Tosco for the weekly shop. And I do mean all the way. Except when he undid his strap and climbed out. But as soon as I caught him the screaming started again as I wrestled him back in... Again and again and again.

After yesterday's cleaning antics, we came home and made a start on downstairs. I got quite into it, mainly because the Dyson mostly drowned our Red's cries of displeasure (wrong DVD, wrong lunch, wet trousers, too much rain...). I actually left for school with plenty of time so Reddy grumpy chops could take his scuttle bug and was early to collect HHS children.

It was only when we got home that I remembered the Road Safety talk I'd signed up to go to at 2.30...

The final nail in my feckless coffin is the blip. Bella told me last week she needed clothes to swim in. I forgot until we arrived (late) at the pool and saw the other girl in get class fully dressed in the water! So poor Bells had to swim in her school clothes and come home in her towel and school jumper. Lucky it's a balmy 10C (according to the car ) then...

Once I have got the kiddies to bed I shall backblip yesterday's. I should warn you in contains filth and nudity mind...

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