A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Goosebumps and pretending that I can sing

I went shopping yesterday to pick up some bits and bobs for holiday. I had a mooch around one of the big 'record shops' (although they don't sell records anymore - everything else, just no vinyl).

Anyway, war of the Worlds was on my mind because we had watched the dreadfully americanised Tom Cruise version on the tellybox on Sunday night ("OK" is all I can muster as regards a review of that film).

We used to have the Jeff Wayne version on vinyl when I was a kid - so my joy was undescribable when I found the CD box set, at a bargain price as well. The double joy, when I chanced upon a copy of Phantom of The Opera, which is another one from my early/mid teens which holds so many memories for me including having a very surreal balloon fight with my Dad with this as the background music!!! ( and I have seen it twice at the theatre - once in London when my mum and stepdad took us and once when I was at uni, at the Manchester Opera House)

War of the Worlds still gives me goosebumps. Richard Burton - genius with a fabulous voice, and Phil Lynott's character - the Parson, Nathanial - brilliant.

And Phantom still makes me cry.

So poor James has been subjected to War of the Worlds on every car journey since yesterday morning (although I am impressed - he slept through pretty much most of the first CD and I had it on LOUD!). I have not tortured him with my attempt at operatic style singing - I'm no match for Sarah Brightman!

Oh look - rain clouds. Think that might be my fault.


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