Shearman House, Kendal

This building is now a pub - The Miles Thompson - but once upon time there was a a reason for the tall chimney. The Kendal Civic Society green plaque reads as follows:

Opened in 1864, this building was erected by local philanthropists as a public wash-house and baths. Designed by Miles Thompson, the wash-house had facilities for 22 washerwomen and included clothes-horses on rail tracks and two pioneer spin dryers. It was intended to alleviate the discomfort of washday for working families living in damp and ill-ventilated cottages. There were eight large porcelain baths, the lowest charge for a warm bath being for two young women together at threepence each. The chimney is 70 feet (21.3m) high.

An amazing looking building and its great that it has been preserved. I may have to force myself to cross the threshold to investigate the interior one day soon.. Makes you glad for indoor plumbing and washing machines!

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