In the moment..

By MoshersMoll

The fragile

Thanks for the good luck wishes for today's phone interview, It's really appreciated. Unfortunately it is a non-starter as the 'job' I was interested in is actually only an internship for existing students, not a paid position at all.

I wish I had been informed of this as soon as I initially enquired with the company but it turns out they wanted to speak to me with regards to my previous experience, asking if I'd be interested in their commercial sales department instead. Errm no, thanks but I've been there, done that and didn't enjoy it in the slightest. Not to mention that I was utterly hopeless at the cold calling aspect. Know your limits is my motto of the day!

There are still positives I can take away from the situation. The fact that although I was extremely nervous, I didn't screw up completely! Plus they saw some potential within me as an employee so that gave me a boost.

Unfortunately the day was all downhill from here, today in a nutshell: Anxiety attacks, tears, rage, blazing rows. Good times. Getting myself an early night, hopefully waking refreshed to see a wonderful frosty sunrise. It's time I got out there for some landscape shots, the weather forecast is certainly looking good. Minus temperatures, frost and a bit of sunshine. Winter has arrived in The Netherlands at long last!

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