my corner of the world

By Vic

Bath time calm

Thank goodness for the new perspective or today would have been a stress out day. As it was, just this evening was! Work went well. Then the fun began...

- pick up kids
- tea
- piano for Jas
- Jas to the SPA theatre
- piano for Jaden
- bath time
- pick up Jas
- school work

Doesn't sound too bad put like that but when it all happened within 3 hours. Feel like I've been driving around all night! This photo was a panic last minute 0h-no-I've-no-blip photo. He would not smile. Then he cried. Then he wet me (not good with camera in hand). Then he was sorry. Then more tears because he was sorry ....and it went on. Then he smiled. Got a cracking shot of him crying. Seemed to make him worse though. Had to promise not to blip it though!

By the time I sat down for working it was 9:30pm! Not in the mood but got on with it. Needs must!
Now where's my bed.....

Night night!

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