30/31 Black and White

My superbaby.

Others: what??
alas poor yorick...

Today did not start especially well. Ben came back upstairs from watching his breakfast tv as I was feeding Charley in such a position to aid sleep, not facilitate extra cuddles. He then sat in Charley's cot (Charley was on the bed) and cried and screamed, begging for a milky cuddle, not listening to anything I said, for nearly an hour (probably not quite that long but it sure felt a lot longer) while Charley rather predictably took his time.

Then decided he wanted to play games on my phone instead when Charley finally decided he'd finished. Aaargh.......

By the time we'd had breakfast it was nearly midday and by the time I'd got our boots and shoes on Charley was ready for more milk. And then a kickaround on his table. At least that meant I got the dishwasher and laundry done! By the time he was ready to sleep the pharmacy was halfway through their lunch break but Charley was screaming and needed fresh air so we headed out anyway - took 3 bags of stuff to the charity shop, and on the way called in at the Montessori pre-school. Got an appointment to go for a look around next week: I've decided that as much as I'd love to homeschool, Ben has more energy than I am able to deal with right now and the Montessori ethos might be better suited to his general temperament! After dropping off the clothes we killed three quarters of an hour in the park (and had a bit of a catch-up with a mum I know from one of the toddler groups!) before heading home via the pharmacy.

The afternoon has been spent sorting clothes and trying to figure out what Charley wanted. I've completely filled the new chest of drawers, and there are still a few tubs and bags of stuff to sort out. Plus all the stuff that used to live on top of the old wardrobes which now needs new homes....

Steve has gone out for a meeting now so once Ben has had his fill of rice it'll be bedtime for him. Just hope that Charley is accommodating and doesn't scream and cry as I'm trying to put Ben to bed! Then it's just a case of waiting for Steve to come home so I can put the blip shot together...

Blip done,
Bedtime yippee!

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