Where Next?


Granville Island

A house in the sky? I'm pretty sure I have never seen a crane with live-in accommodation before. Maybe that is an avenue for us to look into...

I got a shop CV (resume) written and printed, walked down Hornby St and caught an aqua bus to Granville Island. Got there to discover the shop was closed for a stock take! Thought I would visit the huge market again to get nice things for tea but it was closed for a deep clean. After hanging around and looking longingly at a letterpress printers (just beautiful), I caught my aqua bus back.

Vancouver is littered with expensive food places, organic shops, super organic shops etc and I knew I'd seen a Safeway somewhere. After walking for an hour in the wrong direction I admitted defeat and went super duper organic. Andy got back late from snowboarding and instead of cooking we went to Hamburger Mary's. Who is Mary and why has she been turned into hamburgers? To be in the safe side we had salmon burgers.

Still ill with mini mumps after my mmr jab before we came away. Will get better and head to the mountains soon!

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