Trial and Error

By DawnC


Also known variously as Baz, Bazzy, Whizzy (at his petminder's because he whizzes around) and Basil Brush. I only had my little camera with me today as the battery had run out on my EOS and, of my two spares, one is malfunctioning and the other is AWOL. Anyway, having discovered through Lozarithm yesterday that I was missing out on all the fun that is to be had with Picasa 3.9, I have now updated and have used the 'vignette' tool on this to make it a bit more interesting.

Otherwise it's been a pretty usual kind of Tuesday: dog walk, work, longer dog walk, Sainsbury's. Now for half an hour with my feet up before hitting the kitchen to make a spag bol and perhaps also marmalade (energy and enthusiasm levels permitting).

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