The high road

By Travellersjoy

Moss Green

Grey, gloomy, damp and a chilly wind, seemed like a perfect day to get on with some paper work! Trouble is I've let a pile of the stuff accumulate and now it feels completely overwhelming and I feel quite blocked to make a start, so when my neighbour rang offering to do a bit of chainsawing, it was the perfect excuse to go outside.
We worked together for an hour or two, he cut the tall leggy gorse and I piled up the thicker trunks for firewood and cleared the brash into piles to rot down. On Saturday the work group that I am a part of, is coming to my place, so I'm hoping we can plant this area up with trees. The work group is a great idea, it's an opportunity to get something done, that needs a few pairs of hands, we share food afterwards, so it's a nice social event.
This moss was growing in a clump under the thicket, I think it's polytrichum commune but I stand to be corrected if gladders, mollyblobs or cerridwen are looking in! I think it's really beautiful.

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