Spring to Life

By MarkSpringett

Cllr Springetts moment in history

Only had the chance to catch up with the local paper Sunday morning and this story is a major development for Chelmsford town centre.

The public gallery in Council Chambers was pretty packed on the night of the planning committee and I was subbing for our Leader. With any contentious planning application there will always be a good turnout in the gallery and a few wanting to have their 2 minutes to state the case for or against. That night was no exception but interestingly there wasn't the usual moan about traffic or trees or open space or too big or too small or too many. It was mainly about the use of the Anne Knight building wiki link they wanted to approve multi use but the people of Chelmsford wanted to keep it for Community use only and quit right too. Unfortunately it had previously been given multi use and it wasn't within our power to change it....shame.

So, it is now in the power of the community to come up with a plan for community use, I fear though that with finance as it is at the moment, that raising money will be almost impossible. Unless we can come up with an alternative ..... we, did I just say that. Hmmm , think I have enough on my plate at the mo. Especially as I have an interview for a school community governors position coming up.

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