Optic Nerve

By BillFroog

New baby at work

The hard-working delivery team have been hard at it - but the process was well worth it as you can see - with the little 'un (7.5Ton) coming along last Thursday - so this, her first full week and she's already been playing in the mud. She's the baby of the family at the moment - so cute.

Strange seeing an old screenfull of graphics on such a large canvas. Bit boring though.. We're slowly rolling this curtain design out across the fleet. It's not the complex, surreal Trompe-l'?il submission, or the psychedelic dancing health elephants. Well, OK my other designs weren't overly outlandish - but I did have a phase last year of admiring those truck curtain ad jobs that play with your mind. Fancied one of those.. Fab. *sigh*

And this was almost the sum amount of daylight today. Pricelist creating time is full in 'nose-to-the-flatscreen' territory, allowing very little in blip time. But this process IS supposed to raise creativity levels methinks... *ping*

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