Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Long Way Home

Or maybe that might be "The Slow Way Home."

It was just about 5:00 p.m. when we started our drive toward Orange County. I thought the sky was beautiful with "marbleized" clouds illuminated by the dropping sun. It's not a good photograph through the windshield of the car, but I liked what was captured.

On the other side of the freeway the traffic was gridlock. There was no accident. That is simply a Monday-Friday occurrence; it happens twice a day -- morning and evening. In the morning it is headed toward Orange County. The better jobs are in Orange and Los Angeles Counties and less expensive property and rentals are here in the Inland Empire. It's crazy! We are both thrilled to not have to drive in that every work day.

We knew that going to Orange County at that time of day meant that we'd need to stay there for a couple hours before coming back home to avoid the traffic.

Before doing our shopping we stopped for dinner in Tustin at a popular Italian restaurant that we haven't been to in a long time. We both ordered Venetian Chicken in apricot sauce with a side of steamed vegetables: broccoli, asparagus, sliced cherry tomatoes sprinkled with chopped basil. The menu claimed -- 400 calories. The salad that came with it added another couple hundred calories. So I think we had a fairly healthy diet friendly dinner.

Thanks for the comments on yesterday's clouds. The temperature was cooler today, but the weather reporters are claiming a jump of 10 degrees tomorrow. I'm still waiting for winter.

Now it's late. I have plenty to do tomorrow. Time to get to bed.

Good night from Southern California -- the land of traffic.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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