flashes like lights

By Degna

Pendants corner

I tweeted this pic this morning. It's the only pic I've taken all day. Over the past couple of days I've been mildly miffed by a seeming lack of sub-editors on some of the local magazines. Typos-a-go-go. This one today was just too much. I won't go as far as naming and shaming this publication. We all make mistakes after all.

I used the hash tag #pendantscorner but was slightly concerned that not everyone listens to Shaun Keaveny on 6music... Well worth a listen on a weekday morning btw. There's a delicious irony in a pedant using the wrong word - but not if people actually think that you actually think the right word is 'pendant'...

Anyway, back to the point. Chiwawa? Chihuahua!

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