
After a two week hiatus, I managed to get the telescope out.


Sometimes I wish I lived somewhere near the equator, where the skies are clear and it's not sub zero temperatures at 7 in the evening. It would certainly make stargazing a bit more comfortable.

The moon was too beautiful to resist this evening and so I spent twenty minutes imaging it, before moving on to M42 (orion nebula) again - the scope is still set up and is taking multiple shots so I can play around with stacking them. We'll see - it's a bit of a nightmare getting it pin sharp through the eye piece because the slightest movement at all causes quite significant shake on the the simple act of refining focus via the telescope causes the problem!

Decided that tonight was a work free night, but that's going to mean tomorrow will have to see me sat here working instead of resting. Seemed like a reasonable trade - probably won't think that tomorrow!

Unexpected side effects from new tablets are causing some annoyance and aggravating my pain levels. Must persevere and at least give it a chance to kick in...was hoping by now that it would have. However, my mood does seem to be a little more balanced these last few days, so maybe there is a glimmer of hope.

Hope you are all staying warm and snug.

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