
By KatScott


My beautiful boy is feeling better! A few days ago he was off his feed, uncomfortable on his feet and running a fever on and off throughout the night. When the vet came out the next day, there was nothing obviously wrong but he still wasn't eating and was lying down A LOT, so she prescribed bute and antibiotics. The saddest thing was that my usually bouncy boy was so quiet, standing at the back of his stable not even responding to cuddles and kisses - so unlike him.
So he's been gradually improving and after four days of meds, he seems back to normal and is his usual happy self. The vet says it was a virus of some kind, as nothing came up in his blood tests.
My theory is he just wanted a holiday for a while! He's off for the next week but was turned out in the field with his pals for the first time since before Christmas (due to muddy fields and lameness) so he is happy as a clam today.

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