
By nnodd67

Second Home

Thought I'd post this as my first Blipfoto as it is the place I live for 6 months of the year. I work overseas offshore on an oil rig with a 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off rotation.

The room is pretty basic but at least I have a single room and bathroom which means that I don't have to share with anyone else. (Some guys onboard the rig sleep 4 to a room and DO share one bathroom, so it is a big deal lol).

I try to keep some "luxuries" from home with me like my Macbook Air, Kindle and magazines which makes it more bearable and gives me something to do off shift. Especially the Macbook as it keeps me in touch with home. Do miss my Xbox though!

Of course there is also a picture of "my boy" (Grandson) Broden, which I always have with me.

As I am onboard the rig for 4 weeks the room is just a place to go and chill out after the daily 12 hour shifts we work. Like the title says, it's my second home.

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