
By Nigel

Tiny, Tiny Timelapse

I used to use my wife's digital compact camera connected to the laptop to make timelapse movies. Sadly the laptop has died and gone to silicon heaven and there is not much to timelapse in my studio where the other computer is. Turns out the custom timer on the A520 has a 10 shot mode. I put the camera on the tripod and pointed it out of the window and pressed the shutter release once every 100 seconds or so (it was set to take one picture every 10 seconds for 10 shots). Mainly this was because there was lightning and timelapse is a good way to photograph lightning.

I got bored of this very quickly so there weren't very many shots but the resultant movie played back 6 frames per second does indeed show two lightning flashes. I will bear this in mind if there is anymore lightning.

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