A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


Backblipping this as I feel slightly better today. Or as my husband put it this morning before he left "you are moving about".

I now have to figure out whether I will be well enough to go into work tomorrow or whether to make a doctors appointment as I will need a note if I don't. I am tending towards making the appointment although I already know how it will go. They will squish the swollen glands in my neck (ow!) and then tell me that my pulse is normal when it isn't bloody normal, they are just not used to having people who actually move about a bit and have a correspondingly healthy heart rate coming in to their surgery.

These are a few of my books encompassing mainly mountaineering, monsters and UFO mythology. I think I have a special fondness for the UFO mythology ones as they make me feel sane.


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